To our Customers;

ABCO Subsea is continuing operations during the COVID-19 pandemic and have taken the necessary steps to ensure we can continue to meet our delivery commitments while maintaining a safe and healthy environment for our employees.

In order to minimize the number of employees at the facility, per CDC advisement, some office personnel may be working from home. For our manufacturing and office personnel we have implemented safety precautions including social distancing and encouraged using face coverings. We have increased our cleaning efforts to reduce possible contamination.

Any employee who has symptoms will be sent home and is not allowed back until they have been tested and cleared by a doctor.
Any employee who has been out of the country or to a high-risk area must stay home for two weeks, get tested and cleared by a doctor before returning to work.

Other than employees no one is allowed on site without prior approval.

We typically have raw material inventory to cover 30 to 40 days of production.
We are in continuous contact with our suppliers and at this point in time we do not foresee any disruptions with our supply chain.

Subject to any federal and/or local government directives we plan to keep this plan in place until further notice.

As we have most of our salesmen, administrators, and project coordinators working from home, email is the best mode of communication.

We wish all of you the very best in these trying times.

Stay safe;
ABCO Subsea.

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