In-House Testing

Our Stringent Testing Practices

ABCO Subsea’s 35,000 square foot building has dedicated space for mechanical testing and quality control.

The company’s engineering department has manufactured three testing platforms used on a daily basis:

  • A Shuttle Valve Test Panel used in qualifying hydraulic shuttle valves

  • A Clamp Test Frame, where “pull” tests are performed on MUX Clamps and Pod Hose Clamps

  • A Moment Test Frame, which is used to test the moment limits on a variety of products along with the integrity of padeyes

ABCO Subsea’s testing allows the company to demonstrate the integrity of its products to customers and also serves as an opportunity for the company to expand its own knowledge base. The company has performed thousands of in-house tests on its most established product lines, like clamps and vertebrae bend restrictors, and the data gathered along the way has been invaluable when a customer approaches ABCO Subsea about a unique problem.

ABCO Subsea’s in-house testing also serves as an important part of the company’s training process for new hires.

For more information about ABCO Subsea’s in-house testing capabilities, contact us.

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