Latest News

MUX Line Bumper. Our newest product line. Ideal for small diameter Umbilicals and Cables. #subsea #cableprotection #polyurethane

ABCO Subsea LLC. is delighted to announce the biggest BOP Controls Purchase Order in our company's history. Total order value well into 7 figures for both new build BOP Stacks and Re-Builds. #bopcontrols #valves

ABCO completed fit checking of an ROV Panel Riser Clamp for the Shell Auger TLP platform today. The ROV Panel was free issued to us and we were tasked with designing and manufacturing a Clamp and Bracket Assembly to secure it. All in a 3 week lead time.

Our Riser Sealing Mandrels installed on Landing String Pipe at a Shore Base in Turkey. These are designed to help in holding and diverting gas kick pressure with a minimum of 200psi. #drilling #polyurethane

ABCO is hiring! Design Engineers, Engineering Interns, Machine Shop Supervisor, Quality Assurance Technician, Shop Technician. Apply here:

This week ABCO secured an expedited order for a ROV Panel Clamp and Support Bracket for a major GOM Operator. This Clamp will be secured around the Riser, pre torqued. It will be designed, manufactured and tested in house in Houston in just 3 weeks lead time.
From design in the offices, to testing out in the shop, ABCO is number one in Riser Clamp Design and Cable Protection. Steel or Polyurethane, Clamps to hold in place or Clamps to hold in place and seal pressure. We do it all. #subseaengineering

ABCO Subsea Family and Friends Fish Fry. Celebrating a great start to the year!!

ABCO Subsea is happy to announce project award for QTY 28 of our Riser Sealing Clamps for a major OEM. This will be an expedited, 4 week delivery for 33ft of coverage per Riser. These Clamp around the Drill Pipe, SSTT and Lubricator Umbilicals and are designed to Seal up to 500psi of kick pressure in the Diverter housing. #polyurethane #subseaengineering

Here at the IADC (International Association of Drilling Contractors) Conference in Galveston again! Great to be back and see customers. Reach out to Chris to discuss BOP Controls, Clamps, and Cable Protection. #subsea #drilling

Final Dimension Checks on our Grease Injection ROV Panels and Frame this Friday.

Innovative technology. Happy to play a small part.

Here is a #FlashbackFriday photo. Our Vertebrae Bend Restrictors (VBRs) making a cameo in the 1998 movie Armageddon. Our blue VBR behind Bruce Willis on the left and our standard yellow VBR on the right in front of Liv Tyler. #drilling #subseaengineering

Our ROV Wellhead Ball Valves installed into the Conductor Housing. This has been one of our more popular product lines the past few years. Reach out to discuss: #subsea #wellhead #valves

We have 2 of our 20K Lockdown Measurement Tools going out the door prior to Christmas. These LDMTs sit on the Wellhead housing and measure where the Casing Hanger and Seal Assemly sit. #subseaengineering #wellhead

Stena Drilling shared this fantastic photo the other day regarding the MPD set up on the Stena Forth. Check out ABCO's contributions: 2x Polyurethane SB (Swing Bolt) Clamps, 1x JP (Junction Plate) Riser Clamp, 1x Polyurethane Bumper around the 11 inch Mud line (bottom). All poured, cured, fabricated and assembled in house. #subseaengineering

ABCO Vertebrae Bend Restrictors protecting MUX and Hotlines on top of a GE Hydril BOP Stack. This photo was sent to us this week after a few years in the field. #cableprotection #subsea

One of our Dual Articulating Sheaves straight off the Test Apparatus. #cableprotection

Today was spent Fit checking our latest ROV Frame on a client supplied Lubricator Joint. Installing anodes and checking resistivity. #subseaengineering #hydraulics #controls

QTY 20 of our M5 assemblies ready for pickup at noon today. QTY 160 still to go. #cableprotection

Flushing one of our ROV panels today in the shop. Mounting Frame/Structure to be added post Flushing and Pressure testing. #subsea #subseaintervention #testing

Good to see our Storm Loop/Umbilical Management out in the Field. Here is our TJ Clamp, Support Arch and extended pedestal with load dispensing capabilities via the wrench toe on the Riser Flange joint (all in white). #subsea #umblicals #cableprotection

One of two large ROV Panels we have engineered and are manufacturing here at our facility in Houston. #subsea #hydraulics #subseacontrols

Pull testing our Bend Stiffener to 1.5 times 100 year storm moment loading. 10 times to the load and then an hour hold. #cableprotection #subsea #cps

NDE being performed today post testing on one of our Riser Support Arch Pedestals. This Pedestal Arm will hold the Support Arch which controls the Subsea Umbilical. This Pedestal was an expedited, 3-4 week delivery. #cablemanagement #subsea

1 of 27 Clamps going out the door the next few weeks. These clamps are designed for a highly Anoxic environment where the PPM Hydrogen Sulfide dictates exotic and H2S resistant alloys. #cableprotection #clamping #subseaengineering

ABCO Subsea LLC. at Day 2 at IPF Offshore Wind Conference in Richmond, VA. Submarine, Export and Inter Array Cable Protection Systems from a USA based OEM. #offshorewind #energy #cableprotection

ABCO is happy to announce award of several Storm Loop/Support Arches for 2 major Drilling Contractors and 2 Specialized MPD (Managed Pressure Drilling) OEMs. These systems include Riser Clamp, Flanged Pedestal, and Support Arch with integrated Clamp. They are tailored to the worst sea states and pre loaded accordingly. #subseaengineering

One of our Polyurethane Bumpers machined after pouring for the perfect finish. #cableprotection #umbilicals #subsea

Newly poured and potted dummy stabs for ROV panel applications sitting in our staging area this afternoon. #innovation #engineering #polyurethane

Riser Clamp load test (in the background) today. Our TJ Clamps are preloaded and tested to appropriate safety factors. #subseaengineering

Our quality team checking dimensions on all raw material and fabrication deliveries. Attention to detail is key. #subsea #manufacturing

New mold delivery today. We took photos as this will be the best it ever looks. This is for a new Polyurethane product line for small bore electrical cable protection. #innovation #cableprotection #subsea

Our M12 (12 inch OD) 200kN-m VBR ready for shipment along with Adaptor Flanges. #subsea #cableprotection

Vacuum Trim Room busy this morning.